по английскому языку
Пояснительная записка
Программа предлагаемого межпредметного элективного курса по английскому языку по теме «Культурное наследие: живопись» разработана в соответствии с задачами модернизации содержания образования и основными положениями Концепции профильного обучения. Курс рассчитан на 21 час и предназначен для учащихся 10 -11 классов с Intermediate уровнем владения английским языком гуманитарного профиля.
Необходимость создания данного элективного курса продиктована тем, что учебный материал по рассматриваемой теме практически отсутствует во многих отечественных учебниках, рекомендованных Министерством образования Российской Федерации. УМК « Английский язык» под редакцией Кузовлева В. П., Лапы Н. М., и др., являющийся основным учебным пособием в общеобразовательной школе, даёт поверхностное изучение данной темы в разделе “What is special about your country?” (Английский язык: учебник для 7 класса общеобразовательных учреждений / В. П. Кузовлев, Н. П. Лапа, Э. Ш. Перегудова и др. – М.: Просвещение, 2005). Учебное пособие для профильных классов (Английский язык: учебник для 10 класса школ с углублённым изучением английского языка, лицеев и гимназий»/ О.В. Афанасьева, И.В. Михеева – М: Просвещение, 2007) и УМК “New Millennium English” под редакцией Гроза О.Л. и др. содержат тематический материал в сжатой форме.
Цели элективного курса – дальнейшее развитие коммуникативной и социокультурной компетенций обучающихся, усвоение ими лексико-грамматического материала, расширение информационного запаса по теме, формирование познавательных интересов и хорошего эстетического вкуса.
Программа, построенная на искусствоведческом материале, даёт возможность приобщить учащихся к прекрасному и научить их раскрывать богатый художественный мир, созданный крупнейшими мастерами изобразительного искусства. Обсуждение материала помогает обучающимся понять основной смысл произведений и давать собственную оценку картинам художников. Курс предполагает поддержку таких профильных предметов, как литература, история, изобразительное искусство и ориентирован на учащихся, видящих своё будущее в профессиях, связанных с этими областями (искусствовед, гид, переводчик, историк). Кроме того, разработанная программа помогает учащимся лучше подготовиться к экзамену, т.к. многие задания составлены в формате ЕГЭ.
Принципы построения курса: развитие речевых навыков, интеграция, опора на творческий метод.
Принципы отбора и структурирования материала:
1) аутентичность (использование неадаптированных текстов);
2) тематическая и профессиональная направленность;
3) ориентация на спецификацию ЕГЭ.
По окончании курса учащиеся должны овладеть следующими навыками и умениями.
В сфере практической:
- лексическими навыками в соответствии с темами;
- навыками в различных видах речевой деятельности;
- основными стратегиями выполнения экзаменационных заданий в формате ЕГЭ.
В сфере социокультурной учащиеся:
- приобретут и расширят объём знаний об основных направлениях в искусстве и живописи, известных художниках и произведениях мирового изобразительного искусства;
- научатся понимать и интерпретировать изученные лингвокультурные факты.
В сфере учебно-познавательной учащиеся:
- углубят учебные знания, умения и навыки;
- обогатят свой словарный запас;
- научатся решать информационные проблемы (находить, систематизировать, обрабатывать необходимую информацию, владеть различными способами её презентации);
- в целом научатся использовать английский язык для продолжения образования и самообразования в рамках выбранного профиля.
Курс также способствует:
- формированию жизненной позиции;
- развитию таких личностных качеств, как умение работать в сотрудничестве;
- приобретению опыта творческой деятельности;
- духовному и эстетическому развитию.
В программу заложены такие типы учебных заданий, как тренировочные упражнения, направленные на отработку формата экзаменационных заданий и основаны на аутентичных текстах; дискуссии, ролевые игры.
В начале и по окончании занятий рекомендуется провести рефлексию обучающихся, которая позволяет однозначно определить степень эффективности изложенного материала.
При оценке результатов изучения данного курса используются текущий контроль (скрытый контроль в ролевых играх, взаимоконтроль, самоконтроль) и итоговый контроль (презентация проектов). Кроме того, приобретённые знания и навыки используются учащимися и демонстрируются на экзамене по английскому языку.
К учебно-методическому комплексу прилагаются список использованной литературы, список репродукций, подборка слайдов по темам, аудиозаписи и дидактические материалы.
Учебно-тематический план
п\п |
Виды деятельности |
Формы работы |
Кол-во часов/
деятельн. |
11. |
Введение. Роль искусства в нашей жизни. Личные познания.
Тема 1. Жанры живописи.
Тема 2. Техника описания картины.
Тема 3. Пейзаж.
Тема 4. Портрет.
Тема 5. Натюрморт.
Тема 6. Историческая живопись.
Тема 7. Бытовая живопись.
Тема 8. Выдающиеся русские художники.
Тема 9. Известные английские художники.
Итоговый контроль |
Аудирование. Обмен мнениями. Дискуссия.
Чтение. Анализ текста.
Изучение языкового материала. Монологическое высказывание.
Ролевая игра. Словообразование.
Описание картины. Перевод. Лексико-грамматическое задание.
Ролевая игра. Грамматический тест.
Чтение. Аудирование.
Работа с лексикой. Говорение. Чтение.
Практика перевода. Аудирование. Грамматический тест.
Чтение. Диалогическое высказывание.
Презентация проектов.
(работа над проектом) |
самостоятельная подготовка
парная, групповая
групповая, индивидуальная
самостоятельная под-
Итого: |
21 |
1. Алексеева В. В. Что такое искусство? Москва, «Советский художник», 1991.
2. Алпатов М. В., Ростовцев Н. Н. Искусство. Москва, «Просвещение», 1989.
3. Антрушина Г. В., Афанасьева О. В., Самохина Т. С. Talks about Art for English Speech Practice. Москва, «Просвещение», 1987.
4. Богородицкая В. Н., Хрусталёва Л. В. The World of Britain. Учебник английского языка. 3-е издание, Москва, «Версия», 2003.
5. Ветрова Г. Русское искусство. Детская энциклопедия. Москва, «Белый город», 2001.
6. Долгополов И. Мастера и шедевры. Москва, «Изобразительное искусство», 1988.
7. Kлементьева Т. Б. Happy English 2. Reader. Обнинск, «Титул», 1997.
8. Краткая история искусств. Москва, «Искусство», 1989.
9. Кузьменкова Ю. Б. Составление программ и подбор материала к элективным курсам по английскому языку для профильной школы. Газета «Английский язык», 24/2006. Москва, ИД «Первое сентября».
10. Перепёлкина Г. П. Искусство смотреть и видеть. Москва, «Просвещение», 1982.
11. Порудоминский В. Первая Третьяковка. Москва, «Детская литература», 1979.
12. Пособие по развитию навыков устной речи How to Speak about Art in English.
13. V. F. Satinova Read and Speak about Britain and the British. 3-е издание, Минск, «Вышэйшая Школа», 1998.
14. A. J. Thompson, A. V. Martinet A Practical English Grammar. Oxford University Press, 2003.
15. L. G. Alexander Longman English Grammar. Longman Group UK Limited, 2005.
Список репродукций
1. Айвазовский И. Кораблекрушение
2. Брюллов К. Последний день Помпеи
3. Васильев Ф. Мокрый луг
4. Ван Гог Подсолнухи
5. Венецианов А. Весна. На пашне
6. Верещагин В. Апофеоз войны
7. Врубель М. Сидящий демон
8. Гейнсборо Т. Портрет герцогини де Бофор
Утренняя прогулка
9. Констебль Д. Хлебное поле (Пашня)
Телега для сена
10. Крамской И. Портрет Льва Толстого
11. Куинджи А. Берёзовая роща
Днепр утром
12. Кустодиев Б. Масленица.
13. Левитан И. Осень в Сокольниках
14. Леонардо да Винчи. Мона Лиза.
15. Моне К. Стог сена
16. Перов В. Сельский крестный ход на Пасхе
Проводы покойника
17. Петров-Водкин К. Розовый натюрморт
18. Поленов В. Московский дворик
19. Рейнольдс Д. Портрет Нелли О’Брайен
20. Рембрандт Портрет старого еврея
21. Репин И. Казаки пишут письмо султану
Не ждали
22. Рерих Н. Канченджанга
23. Саврасов А. Грачи прилетели
24. Сезанн П. Натюрморт с персиками и грушами
25. Серебрякова З. Автопортрет
26. Спенсер С. Автопортрет
27. Суриков В. Утро стрелецкой казни
Боярыня Морозова
28. Тернер У. Последний рейс «Отважного»
29. Тропинин В. Портрет Пушкина
30. Федотов П. Женитьба майора
31. Хогарт У. Девушка с креветками
Модный брак
32. Хруцкий И. Цветы и плоды
33. Шишкин И. Рожь
Комплекс разработан Вагановой И. И.,
преподавателем английского языка
Listen to the text and write down :
a) kinds of arts;
b) visual arts.
Art was almost always the product of time and space. Man’s thoughts and actions are the things from which art forms are born. Art is one of the greatest treasures mankind has collected in the history of civilization and reflects the collective experience of human spiritual life of many centuries. So, we can say that the term is supposed all the processes and products of human skill, imagination and invention and may encompass literature, music, drama, painting and sculpture.
Popularly, art is most commonly used to refer to the visual arts. Recently technology has made new art forms possible, such as photography and cinema, and today electronic media have led to new ways of creating and presenting visual images.
This is art that is mainly concerned with beauty and helps people to gain a better knowledge of life and to broaden their spiritual outlook.
II. ANSWER the question “What is the role of art in our life?” using the following word combinations and your own ideas:
To reflect life, people’s ideas and emotions; to ennoble one’s heart; to help to understand life better; to teach us to love our Motherland; to understand our past; to evoke the feeling of joy, happiness, sadness, despair …; to learn a lot by seeing the world through other people’s eyes; to wake up kindness, admiration, enjoyment, and peace in the soul; to help to gain a better knowledge of life; to broaden one’s spiritual outlook.
III. QUOTATIONS for discussion:
“Art is the most intense mode of individualism that the world has known.”(Oscar Wilde)
“Life is short, art is long.” (proverb)
“There are some excellent people who are nevertheless incapable of appreciating a new work of art before its age reaches at least twenty years. A work of art has an appeal for such people only when it is covered with the dust of time.” (Romain Rolland)
When getting ready for the discussion, choose the side you are going to support. Provide your arguments with illustrations.
THEME 1. Painting as a kind of art
Read the text and be ready to do the exercises below.
Painting is an application of colour, pigment, or paint to a flat surface or panel. As a kind of art painting makes the strongest impression on people, their feelings and thoughts. Painting contributes to the development of a person’s character and to raising his or her intellectual level.
The chief methods of painting are:
Tempera – emulsion painting.
Fresco – watercolour painting on plaster walls.
Ink painting was a method developed in China.
Oil – ground pigments in oil.
Pastel – a drawing made of a paste mixed with gum.
Watercolour – pigments combined with gum, glycerol and water.
According to the subject matter of painting – “man”, “battle”, “nature”, “animal” or others, one can represent the following genres: portrait, still life, landscape, genre painting and historical painting.
Portrait is the most ancient genre of painting, just a likeness of some person. Self-portrait or group portrait can be considered to be kinds of this genre.
Landscape depicts nature in its variety. Painting which portrays seascape is called marine.
Historical painting recreates the mood and tensions of a specific period. Battle painting representing battles and war scenes refers to historical genre.
Still life means the world of dead nature, though this painting can also deal with alive nature: beautiful flowers, butterflies on them, birds and even man.
Genre painting comprises various scenes of society’s social life and every aspect of its people.
I. Find the English equivalents for:
Бытовой жанр, вносит вклад в развитие …, самое сильное впечатление, акварель, масляная живопись, натюрморт, морской пейзаж, колорит, темпера, воссоздает дух, «неживая натура», изображает природу во всем ее разнообразии.
II. Look through the descriptions of some pictures, identify their genres and observe the differences. Use the informative material from the text.
1. “Every movement of nature gives pleasure: its moods, cloud shadows, gleams of light…”
2. “… She sits on a throne, head and eyes raised as if in response to divine, creative inspiration. Behind her are figures symbolizing Pity and Terror.”
3. “The action takes place in a quiet, narrow Moscow street in the 17th century. The Boyarina forms the center of the composition, and attracts attention by her pale inspired face. …”
4. “The canvas reveals the great beauty of the sea, its dynamic force and movement. The conflict of wind and tide created a majestic effect.”
5. “This is a straightforward interior, very light and cheerful in tone, with dark red carpet, pink curtains and green-grey wall-paper. A loaf of bread and a flagon of vine on the table captivate the eye.”
6. “… It condemns marriage without romantic love, marriage that is an earth-bound, practical contract. In the centre of the picture stands the bride elaborately dressed but ashamed. In the doorway at the extreme right the major stands in a theatrical pose.”
III. Match: the artist, his reproduction and its genre. (look)
1. Leonardo da Vinci A. “A Major Comes A-Courting” a. landscape
2. Vasili Surikov B. “The Sunflowers” b. portrait
3. John Constable C. “The Shipwreck” c. marine
4. Ivan Aivazovsky D. “The Morning of the d. genre painting
Execution of the Streltsi”
5. Pavel Fedotov E. “The Hay Vain” e. still life
6. Vincent van Gogh F. “Mona Lisa” f. historical painting
THEME 2. Describing pictures (general impression, technique, colours, light,
Study them and do the exercises below.
1.Facts: I’d like to attract your attention to this … (canvas, landscape, self-portrait, …).
It was painted by a(n) …(unknown, renowned, world-famous, …) …(Russian, Dutch, …) artist/ painter.
The painter/artist belongs to the … (realistic, classical, modern, …) school.
We can see … in the … (foreground, distance, right, left of the picture, …).
2. Message: The picture vividly (realistically) portrays … (the beauty of flowers, a stormy sea, …).
The picture conveys a message/ an idea of … ( beautiful scenery/a mother’s love perfectly/ absolutely/ completely.
The artist expresses/ creates/ renders/ achieves … .
3. Colours and light: The picture is executed mostly in … (bright, light, dark, warm, …)
сolours/ tones.
The play of light is perfectly rendered.
4. General impression: I find this picture … (realistic, fascinating, charming, …).
This painting looks … (marvelous, impressive, …).
The picture makes me feel wonderful. I can look at it for hours.
It is difficult to take one’s eyes from the picture.
It’s an impressive piece of art.
It’s a work of genius!
I have no idea what is painted.
It’s too bad for words.
It’s … (ridiculous, disgusting, …).
1.Look at the reproduction of Monet’s “Haystack”, read its description and fill in the gaps with necessary vocabulary units.
I’d like to attract your attention to this … . It was painted by … … artist belonging to the … trend in painting. It is a(n) … canvas. The artist … a haystack in the morning. We can see it in the … . In the … the hills, trees, houses, and fields are bathed in unnamable nuances of colour. The picture is … mostly in … tones. The play of light and shadow is masterfully … . The painting realistically … the beauty of nature. It is full of … . The details of scenery are … very carefully. Looking at the picture I could … the air being heated in the morning. To my mind the landscape is so … and … . It is difficult to take … from it. I am sure “Haystack” is a … … … !
2. Study Gainsborough’s “Portrait of Duchess de Beaufort” and give its description. Make use of the words in the box. Follow the instructions below.
Introduction: the epoch, the painter, the subject of the picture, the genre.
Appearance: how she looks.
Character: good/bad points.
Conclusion: your feelings, comments.
(look at the picture)
Word Box
to impart a poetic expression of передавать поэтическую экспрессию личности
attractive привлекательный
a pleasant oval face приятное овальное лицо
straight eyebrows прямые брови
well-shaped delicate hands изящные правильной формы руки
rather pale complexion довольно бледный цвет лица
fastened with a comb скреплены гребнем
fashion мода
parted lips приоткрытые губы
a fleeting glance мимолетный взгляд
graceful gesture изящный жест
vitality and optimism живость и оптимизм
THEME 3. Landscape
1. Read the text and fill in the gaps with correct word forms derived from the words in brackets.
A (FAVOUR) joke of the English is their weather. England is a land where it rains all the time or so they say! In this (PAINT), the weather seems to be very windy and the clouds are grey – perhaps it will rain soon.
But the English love their (COUNTRY) and if it wasn’t for the rain, it would not be so green. Here, the trees are green and the corn stands high in field, (WAIT) for the harvest. This is a (TYPE) view of the English rural landscape from the (NINE) century. The thirsty shepherd boy drinks from the stream, while the ass licks (MOIST) from the leaves.
Is the shepherd boy doing his job? He has not noticed that the gate to the cornfield is broken, making a gap in the fence, will the sheep escape into the field and trample the crops? The sheepdog has noticed and will bark to attract the shepherd-boy’s (ATTEND).
The picture is called “The Cornfield” and was painted by the landscape artist John Constable from the county of Suffolk, one of the (PRETTY) parts of England and he painted its (SCENE) many times.
2. Look through the following extracts and complete the table below with the derivatives.
a. In “the Rooks Are Back” Savrasov, with his sincere approach and simple manner, represented early spring and made a big impression on his contemporaries, opening their eyes to the beauty of their own native landscape. The composition is simple and natural. In the plain and familiar appearance of the village, the artist found a poetic beauty. The muted colour scheme of blues, whites and browns renders the play of light and shade.
b. The art of Boris Kustodiev is extraordinary both in its origins and in its use of colour. Kustodiev borrowed something from the lubok and from Russian folk art and made creative use of these elements. His landscape “Shrovetide” portrays a Russian national holiday. The people are happy and merry. The artist has created a good holiday mood for people to see and be proud of old Moscow.
c. Vasiliev’s “Meadow” is an outstanding example of Russian realistic painting. It is handled in big masses, but with all details carefully finished, especially in the foreground. The colour scheme conveys the dewiness of the grass and air.
d. Faithfully depicting the surrounding scene, Polenov did his best works including a particularly delightful painting called “Back Yard in Moscow”, which is filled with a freshness and sunlit lyricism. Starting with the homely patch of ground behind a small house of a type very common at that time, he showed the sheds and the well, and in the background, more wooden dwellings and a church with its five golden cupolas and tall, tent-roofed bell tower.
Adjective |
Noun |
Verb |
Noun |
creative |
______________ |
impress |
___________ |
(look at the picture)
II. ROLE-PLAYING (in pairs)
1. Read the following short conversations in pairs.
- What a landscape! Oh, it’s a masterpiece, and who is the artist?
- You mean the oil painting. This is “Rye” by Shishkin.
- It’s marvelous. I’m so impressed. It’s really a work of genius.
- Don’t you find this picture “Birch Grove” by Kuindzhi wonderful?
- Oh, yes. The picture is a record of reality. With what brilliant success and skill this
landscape is painted!
- You know, what strikes me most in the painting is its glorious combination of colours.
- Well, the colours are rich. And the trees are so life-like, so vivid.
- Oh, do look at this seascape. It’s quite a find, isn’t it?
- No! It is not a picture, it’s a mere spattering of colour. I have no idea what is painted here. The sea doesn’t look real.
- Well, it’s a matter of taste, of course. I don’t agree with you at all.
2. Act out the dialogues of your own using a reproduction of a landscape.
THEME 4. Portrait
1. Answer the following questions.
What is the subject of a portrait? How to understand the words “a study of human nature”? What is the difference between a really good painted portrait and a coloured photograph? What famous portrait-painters do you know? What qualities do you think are required of the painters of this genre?
(look at the picture)
2. Look at Rembrandt’s “The Old Jew” and prove that the picture is thought-provoking using the topical vocabulary:
to reveal the inner world; profound psychological study; the message of bitterness, indignation and readiness to defend himself; essence of his individuality; a deeply tragic outlook; to know life to be full of cruelty and injustice.
1. Translate the italicized parts in the following extracts into Russian.
A. Velasquez achieved a great success as a portrait painter. He was concerned with the true nature of the man or woman before him, setting down what was the most characteristic in appearance and inner qualities as he saw them.
B. ”The Portrait of Jeanne Samary” may well be the most impressionist of Renoir’s portraits. With no hint of shadows or darkness anywhere, the whole canvas is a quilt of tiny touches alive with light and a gemlike sparkle.
C. Leo Tolstoy was painted by Kramskoi with deep psychological insight, the entire attention being focused on rendering the inner world of the great writer. Kramskoi himself always avoided affectation in his work. The play of light and shade gives the illusion of transient expression in the face of the sitter.
2. Find the English equivalents for:
мимолётное настроение; написана маслом в тёплых, тёмных тонах; портретное сходство; зеркало его души; гамма человеческих переживаний; лицо изображено особенно правдиво; внутренний мир художника; передать световые эффекты; привлекает простота.
Describe the reproduction of William Hogarth’s “The Shrimp Girl” using the following vocabulary:
a sketch; a harmony of form and content; its freshness and vitality; all in motion; full of joyous life; a part of the noisy crowd; truly of the people; executed with a limited range of colour; alive.
Use an appropriate form of the words.
Mona Lisa
by Brenda M. Weber
Behind (KALEIDOSCOPE) eyes
there’s no mystery there that lies.
She’s the one to see it all
from her position on a wall.
We look for something in her smile,
We stand to study her (WHILE),
Her face of beauty that we seek.
What she (SAY) if she (CAN) speak?
Is her beauty, oh, so rare?
Was Mona just a maiden fair?
Is she a mirror image of me?
Is that what I’m (SUPPOSE) to see?
Mona’s (PORTRAY) on the wall -
A (COMBINE) of us all.
There’s a touch of someone there
In the beauty of her hair.
That hint of prism in her eyes
makes her appear to be so wise.
The (PLAY) (CURVE) of her lip
THEME 5. Still life
The scene is set in a picture gallery. A guide explains pictures (still lifes) to a group of students. For the role playing you may use the following pictures: “Bacon, Bread and Wine” by P. Kontchalovsky, “Flowers and Fruits” by I. Khrutsky, “Morning” by P. Kuznetsov and Paul Cezannes’s “Peaches and Pears”.
(look at the picture)
Act out the conversation.
Correct the mistakes in these students’ descriptions.
1. The round jam pots, the plain plates, the pots and jugs of grit stone, ordinary bottles are Cezanne favourite materials.
2. That loaf of bread and that flagons of wine are symbols of the joys and sorrows of weak.
3. The decorated soup tureen, which appear in this still lives, is exception.
4. Behind these still lifes there is always the second still life: curtains, wallpaper and furnitures.
5. The background in this still life furnished and neutral in shade.
6. Matisse’s still life painting is worth to look at.
7. Folds of drapery serve as decoration to the objects on the foreground.
THEME 6. Historical painting
1. Read the text.
“The Boyarina Morozova” is one of the greatest paintings in the world of pictorial art. The subject of the painting is based on a historical fact which actually occurred during the reign of Tzar Aleksei Mikhailovitch, the father of Peter I.
The action takes place in a quiet, narrow Moscow street in the 17th century. (1)_____ The quiet snow-covered street presents an unusual aspect: it is filled with throngs of people who are surging into the street.
The Muscovites are there to accompany and pay homage to the first Boyarina of Moscow, who is being to interrogation and torture for her unbending adherence to the old believers, the so-called Raskolniki.
The Boyarina forms the center of the composition, and immediately attracts attention by her pale inspired face, set off by her dark garment and marked by an inner storm of emotions. Her hand is raised in an eloquent gesture with two fingers making the sign of the cross, the symbol, forbidden by the official church. 2________
Each character in the picture is strikingly individualized, revealing strength and might of the popular masses. Each of the characters accompanying the Boyarina is portrayed with unforgettable expressiveness. 3_________ The Boyarina’s sister, princess Urusova, who is walking by the sledge, ready to share the fate of the Boyarina. The pilgrim who is absorbed in a deep thought. The kneeling old beggar-woman who worships the heroic martyr. The young woman with the inspired sorrowful face. 4____________ And the young nun, whose pale, sorrowful face stands out as a sharp contrast to her black garb. 5__________ From the point of view of its composition the picture is easily divided into two parts, with the sledge bearing the Boyarina in the centre. …
Five sentences have been removed from the text. Choose from the sentences A-F the one which fits each gap (1-5). There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use.
A. All the parts are brought together with great mastery revealing Surikov’s fine sense of composition.
B. The short winter day is declining; it is nearly twilight.
C. Surikov understands the law of contrast and association of colours.
D. Each figure in the picture is an actual portrait.
E. The young girl with the frightened expression in her eyes.
F. She is ready to die for her righteous cause.
2. In which text (1-4) you can get the following information (A-E). There is one extra text.
A. Artist of “The Last Day of Pompeii”
B. Wanderers (“Peredvizhniki”)
C. Colours and light
D. New version of historical painting
E. Design of the book
1. The Society of Wandering Art Exhibitions was founded by Myasoyedov, Perov, Ghe, Kramskoi and others in 1870, and it was to exit until 1923, having arranged forty-eight large exhibitions in St Petersburg, Moscow, Kiev and other cities. The fourteen artists thought to put their ideals into practice by taking travelling exhibitions throughout the countryside. These artists sought to justify their activity by making their art useful to society. As for the people who came to the exhibitions, it was the first time many of them had seen an easel painting. And they found them interesting. Instead of cold religious or mythological subjects that were hard to understand, these artists painted town and country life in their own time.
2. The historical paintings of Delacroix differ greatly from contemporary academic paintings because of his novel and convincing treatment of historical events, the bold and poetic concepts, the desire to show living people and violent emotions, the struggle for liberty and moments of great psychological drama. In his drawings there is hurried movement and superhuman strength. His line betrays emotion as he attempts to recreate the rich changing of his imagination. Delacroix was an innovator in colour, brining to his painting a highly emotional and expressive use of it, with a wealth of half-tones, complementary tones and reflections.
3. In Favorsky’s illustration to “The Lay of the Host of Igor”, which shows Igor at the beginning of the battle, the figures of the prince and his warriors are moved out into the immediate foreground, it is as though they were already advancing on the enemy, the black banner above their heads expresses the might of the Russian host. In the figure of the prince vertical lines dominate. The figures of his enemies are round the edges so that they are merely on the periphery of the main group.
4. Karl Bryullov (1799-1852) was Russia’s all-round artist, and because of this he will always remain important; even today, when tastes are dominated by the appeal of a very different style, the pictorial qualities in many of his pictures, and especially in his portraits, are clearly evident. The Academy of Fine Arts entirely controlled the artistic life of the country and invariably proclaimed the themes of historical painting from mythological or classical sources. This academic outlook was deeply rooted in Bryullov and the artist often responded to the canons of taste created by the Romantic movement. Its sentimentality greatly marked many paintings of this master.
(look at the picture)
TASK I. Listen to the text “Famous Artists” about
Vincent van Gogh
Claude Monet
Leonardo da Vinci
Rembrandt van Rijn
Michelangelo Buonarroti
and say which of the artists:
a) worked not only in the field of visual arts;
b) was born, worked and died in the 17th century;
c) made frescoes for one of the famous Catholic churches;
d) didn’t like to paint in his studio;
e) couldn’t earn money selling his piсtures (listen)
TASK II. Listen again, pick some interesting for you information and think of the questions to your groupmates.
THEME 7. Genre painting
1. A. Match these words with their Russian equivalents.
1. condition a) показывать, обнаруживать
2. profound b) условие
3. condemn c) выдающийся
4. reveal d) очевидный
5. trait e) осуждать, порицать
6.distinguished f) основательный, глубокий
7. evident g) характерная черта
В. Complete the sentences using the correct form of the words from A.
1. A great portraitist, Ilya Repin, was at the same time one of our … genre painters. 2. Auguste Renoir, a French impressionist, seldom … social shortcomings of his time; his work consisted entirely of genre scenes full of the joy of life. 3. Yaroshenko’s art was a reflection, an interpretation, and a commentary on the social … of his time. 4.”A Major Comes A-Courting”, by Fedotov, has a … social message. 5. Ilyia Repin’s versatility was one of his most astonishing … . 6. Deineka … his creative talent in genre painting. 7. “A Village Easter Religious Procession”, by Perov, … expresses the ignorance and wretchedness of village life.
2. A. Match the phrasal verbs and idioms in list A with their meanings in list B.
1. stand for a) be successful, succeed
2. make up one’s mind b) understand, receive into the mind
3. put up to c) examine carefully (usually a number of things)
4. get ahead d) develop, be revealed
5. go through e) give the idea of doing something
6. turn out f) represent
7. take in g) decide
B. Complete the sentences by using the correct form of one of the phrasal verbs above.
1.I was thinking of someone else while the guide was commenting on paintings of old masters and I really … what she was saying. 2. Pieter Brueghel the Elder, a Flemish painter, … in genre scenes producing impressive commentaries on the events and simple people of Flanders. 3. … the contents of the National Gallery guide and find out the paintings regarded as the greatest works of all time. 4. It … that Vincent van Gogh was mentally ill. During one of his fits of insanity, he attacked his friend, the artist Paul Gauguin. In another, van Gogh cut off a part of his own ear. 5. Repin’s friend F. Vassiliev … him … going to the Volga for looking at the real boatmen. 6. In the end I … to visit the State Tretyakov Gallery first. 7. What … sfumato?
3. Read the text and complete the sentences with the words in the box. Use each word only one time.
noble contemporary lawyer couple vanity strike
arranged reflection obviously wasted |
HOGARTH. The Marriage-a-la-Mode
Hogarth was a social painter who produced his own pictorial drama comprising various scenes of society’s social life and every aspect of its people. His art was a …, an interpretation, and a commentary on the social condition of his time.
“The Marriage-a-la-Mode” is perhaps the most famous of all Hogarth’s moral series which consists of six engravings. The subject of the series is … high life and a marriage on money and … .
On the right we see Lord Squanderfield pointing to his family tree. His family is ancient and noble, but he has … his fortune. He is fat and gouty and … eats too much. Outside, the builders have stopped work. There is no money to pay them, and without payment, they will not work. They are on …!
Opposite him sits a wealthy merchant. Lord Squanderfield wants some of his money! The merchant has plenty of money, but his family does not have a noble and ancient name. So, a marriage is … between their children. Lord Squanderfield’s son will marry the merchant’s daughter, and the two families will each get what they want. Lord Squanderfield will get the money and the merchant’s daughter will have a … title. But does the merchant’s daughter look vary happy? What is the … suggesting to her? Lord Squanderfield’s son does not seem to care that the two will be shackled together in an arranged marriage. Can you see the two dogs in the corner? They are shackled together with a chain just like the unhappy … .
Describe the reproduction of Perov’s picture “Peasant Burial” using the following vocabulary:
a powerful work, a sad picture, the impression of hopeless dreariness, a tragic event, to express social ills of life, to bury a bread-winner, orphans, on the wood-sledge, a coffin, a widow, inconsolable grief (sorrow), a stooped back, to drag oneself along the road, to feel loneliness, poverty, depressed.
(look at the picture)
THEME 8. Prominent Russian Artists
Act as an interpreter in the following dialogues:
Dialogue I
- The Wanderers were protest painters in a way, weren’t they? Savitsky, Makovsky, Kramskoi and others seem to have a social message to convey.
-Да, эти художники использовали свой талант как оружие. Они сочувствовали простому народу и хотели своими работами привлечь внимание всех к его судьбе.
- Of all the Wanderers, I think Repin was the deepest thinker . His “Cossacks Writing a Letter to the Sultan” or “They didn’t Expect Him” are real psychological studies.
- А вот взять картины художника Венецианова. Они не звали к борьбе. Но он показал, как прекрасны лицом и сердцем крестьяне, и в этом его заслуга. Венецианов одним из первых в русском искусстве сумел показать прекрасное в простом. Живопись этого художника послужила началом движения передвижников.
- Yes. He is a master of the peasant theme and treated the subject with great sympathy. Besides, he could use colour! And speaking of colour, I was very much impressed by Levitan’s paintings when I was in Moscow and St. Petersburg.
- А какие из произведений Левитана вам больше всего понравились?
- It’s hard to say. I think I liked them all. There’s something in his landscapes that reflects our mood. Take the “Autumn Day in Sokolniki” – the trees losing their leaves, that path going off into the distance … .
- Интересно, а видели ли вы ещё пейзажи других русских художников?
- Sure. Polenov, like Levitan, had those marvellous golden autumn scenes. Kuindzhi must have studied light effects, especially sunlight.
(look at the picture)
Dialogue II
- I am not a connoisseur, just a layman interested in the art of painting and the art of seeing. How do you look at a picture? And what is there in a picture to see?
- Видите ли, воздействие искусства на человека зависит от очень многих причин. Посмотрите хотя бы на этот портрет Кончаловского. В этой картине, как вы видите, нет значительного сюжета. Художник пишет девушку (свою дочь) просто, избегая картинности. И тем не менее что-то сразу привлекает нас, незаметно передаётся хорошее настроение, ощущение радости жизни.
- I see now. The portrait conveys an idea of fresh youth and carries the atmosphere of joy. What about colours? Do you consider they are important? Some people say the more colours a painter has in his palette, the better he is as a colourist.
- Не совсем так. Есть художники повышенной красочности. Их произведения ярки, праздничны: Коровин, Сарьян, Рерих впечатляют нас цветом и светом. Наоборот, Перов работал в серо-коричневой гамме. А какая сила колорита!
- Each painter seems to have his own style of brush-work.
- Да, конечно. Например, Врубель пишет «Витязя» мелкими мазками, а Грабарь иногда рисовал свои картины точками. Гладкая манера характерна для произведений старых мастеров. Словом, всё это разные приёмы и способы живописной техники. Какой из этих приёмов лучше, сказать трудно.
- You are right there.
1. TEST. Read the text below and look carefully at each line. Some of the lines are correct, and some have a word which shouldn’t be there. If a line is correct, put a letter R. If a line has a word which shouldn’t be there, write this word.
Vasily Andreyevich Tropinin (1776-1857)
1 |
Visitors to the Tretyakov Art Gallery often stop to admire Vasily Tropinin’s remarkable picture “The Lace-maker”. |
2 |
Holding up her bobbins, a lovely young girl looks out of the frame with all the charm of the youth and beauty. |
3 |
This was been the first picture to depict the city working girl. |
4 |
But the most popular picture ever created by Tropinin is probably his portrait of Alexander Pushkin. |
5 |
The remarkable likeness was evident. The portrait reflects the powerful mind and inspiration of the poet. |
6 |
Tropinin’s pictures are little known in abroad. Almost all his works are in the museums of our country and private collections. |
7 |
Tropinin once said that he liked to paint people “at a happy time of their life”. |
8 |
The painter found pleasure in painting young and attractive faces. |
9 |
Tropinin is one of the most original and fascinating figures in the history of Russian art. |
10 |
His biography is an unusual one. Going up to the age of 47 he was one of Count Morkov’s serfs. |
11 |
He worked as a butler, a pastry cook and a manager at the estate. |
12 |
It was difficult for him to enter to the Academy of Arts in Petersburg as a grown-up man, but his master had called Tropinin back some times before he finished the course. |
13 |
After him leaving the Academy he spent many years on Morkov’s Ukrainian estate. |
14 |
Here he painted portraits, landscapes and small pictures of everyday life. |
15 |
Tropinin’s work is democratic and progressive. |
16 |
In Russia that it was he who blazed the trail to the new realistic art. |
17 |
After his liberation from serfdom Tropinin went to live in Moscow. |
18 |
He is considered to be the founder of the 19th century of Moscow school of painting, which took themes and subjects from real life. |
2. Make up the sentences.
1. Kuindzhi / be/ one / great / landscapist / 19 / century.
2. Kuindzhi / painting / convey / charm / nature / north / south / Ukraine / central / Russia.
3. Early / painting / “On the Isle of Valaam” /exhibit / Tretyakov Gallery.
4. “Birch Copse” / painter / masterful / convey / coolness / grove / spots / sunlight / meadow.
5. “The Dnieper in the Morning” / paint / Kuindzhi / 1881/ consider / good / work.
Listen to the text “Zinaida Serebryakova” and complete the sentences 1-5 choosing the best ending. (listen)
Typhus – тиф
recognition – признание
1. Zinaida Serebryakova … .
a) was born into a family of artists
b) had very talented relations
c) took after her father
2. In 1901 Ilya Repin … .
a) gave Zinaida private classes of painting
b) was Zinaida’s art teacher
c) was in control of the art school that Zinaida attended
3. Serebryakova became famous in Russia … .
a) when her early works appeared at an art exhibition in 1909
b) after her self-portrait “At the Dressing Table” was exhibited
c) after her family moved to Petrograd
4. The artist began to create paintings connected with theatre because … .
a) Zinaida’s daughter chose ballet as a subject of study
b) Zinaida wanted to show the world the importance of ballet dancing
c) she went in for ballet
5. Zinaida Serebryakova spent most of her life in … .
a) Paris
b) Moscow
c) Petrograd
THEME 9. Famous English artists
1. Read about Stanley Spencer and answer the questions.
Stanley Spencer (1891 – 1959)
Stanley Spencer is one of the most original and modern British artists. A painter of imaginative and religious subjects, landscapes and occasional portraits, he was born at Cookham, Berkshire, where he spent most of his life.
He studied at the Slade School and exhibited at the second Post Impressionist exhibition in 1912. He served during the First World War, mainly in Macedonia, 1915-18, and was commissioned to paint a war picture for the Imperial War Museum. He was again Official War Artist in1940-44, painting scenes of shipyards at Port Glasgow.
“Swan Upping” is one of Spencer’s best known pictures. The painting has an air of hightened reality. There is anxiety in the immobilized swans and the face of the woman on the bridge. An ordinary scene is made to appear extraordinary.
Spencer’s work is well represented in the Tate Gallery collection, from early drawings done while still a student to his late self-portrait, painted a few months before his death in 1959.
After the First World War Spencer participated in decorating the chapel at Cookham and this painting occupied the greater part of his attention, although he also found time for landscape painting.
Spencer was also an interesting portrait painter. Among his best works are the portrait of Patricia Preece (1933) and “The Self-portrait with Patricia Preece” (1936).
a) When and where was Stanley Spencer born?
b) What was he in 1940-44?
c) What are his best known paintings?
d) In what gallery can one see Spencer’s works?
e) What painting occupied his attention after the First World War?
(look at the picture)
2. Make questions for the answers.
a) At the Slade School.
b) In Macedonia.
c) For the Imperial War Museum.
d) Before his death in 1959.
e) The portrait of Patricia Preece and “The Self-portrait with Patricia Preece”.
3. Which words or phrases in the text tell you the following:
a) the kinds of things Spencer painted;
b) that the war influenced his painting;
c) the description of his best known picture;
d) his works;
You and your friend are in the Tate Gallery.
Task 1. Choose the way of going round the gallery. Discuss all the options (1) with a guide, 2) with an audio guide, 3) by oneself) and give really convincing arguments in favour of your choice.
Task 2. Speak about different genres, their merits and disadvantages in comparison.
Discuss the following options and choose one you both like most of all.
1. Topic: Modern Artists. End product: a class picture gallery.
Find paintings that appeal to you. Describe the pictures. Mention:
- the subject matter;
- the colours;
- the mood;
- the individuality;
- the power of impressing the onlooker;
- how the picture makes you feel.
2. Topic: Ten Great Paintings. End product: a class excursion to the Tretyakov Gallery